
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2017

EMU, The Blockchain Side of Service Industry

With so many tokenized platforms springing up in recent days but am really much impressed about this. Emu is a platform designed specifically for minimizing human factor involvement and nullify the situation in which the customer will be dissatisfied with the service. Personnel system automation will make it possible to increase service speed (which will lead to positive customer emotions and increase in turnover), and will be able to offer only relevant services, that is available. Ongoing analysis of the data concerning clients would allow the owners to set priorities, promptly respond to changes in taste preferences, advertising targets and increase turnover. The every day norms involves people visiting public places like cafes, restaurants, hotels. For instance people go have coffee-breaks, presentations, business meetings, parties for companies of friends or just read a book or have a cup of coffee. Thinking about the time spent on creating order. You wait for the wai

BITDEGREE - Pelatihan Pembelajaran Online Berdasarkan Kerangka Kerja Blockbuster

Gambar Halo semuanya! Saya ingin belajar kembali dengan Anda satu gagasan pelatihan yang benar-benar menarik dan progresif, yang memberi kami BitDegree. Menurut pendapat saya, ini adalah cara yang sangat mudah dan progresif untuk belajar, mendapatkan pengetahuan dan kinerja, penyelesaian, akhir akhir ini. BitDegree menawarkan pembuatan platform pembelajaran online berdasarkan cara kerja blockbuster dan ditujukan untuk mengubah cara memperoleh gelar. Situs BitDegree bekerja dari rantai blok Ethereal. Tujuannya adalah untuk memberi para siswa pengalaman pendidikan online yang lebih baik. Fungsi utama akan menjadi sistem penghargaan yang jelas dan transparan berdasarkan penyumbatan, susilitas dan kemampuan perusahaan untuk menarik profesional berbakat dari kolam siswa. Tidak seperti rilis blok lainnya, BitDegree tidak bisa dimulai dari bawah. Pengembang membangun BitDegree berdasarkan 29 juta (!) Pengguna yang ada. Pengguna
Gambar Bitmora  building a service that will allow users to globally exchange cryptocurrency and vote on the framework upon which the exchange will be built. Cryptocurrency exchanges currently make up for a $ 100 billion market, Bitmora is set to host a fully functional mobile application, around-the-clock phone support staff, and an established user voting system to provide users an exceptional trading experience. Bitmora's goal is to revolutionize the world looks at the cryptocurrency investing. All major revolutions have been achieved not by leaders alone, but by the people behind those leaders. Rather than fighting history, we will be putting all major decisions directly in the hands of our users. Community Outreach. We care about our community and are willing to prove it. From day one, we will be providing superior customer support to our co-offerings far exceeding our competitors. More importantly, we realize that the issues faced by today&#


Hello readers of faithful articles, still with me Ade prayoga, For this article I will discuss from a project that is FITTOKEN , FITTOKEN is industry and health of the future, maybe from all readers Articles still many do not know about vis and mission from project FITTOKEN, let’s see how it’s done. Introduction The ongoing growth of Fitness and Fitness & Sports Centers for everyday people and professional sportsmen has changed over the past few decades. The more professional sports and sports professionals change with technology, and even though the Fitness & Sport Industry Center does not always move with Digital Technology trends. This Fitness & Sports Center does it behind. FIT envisioned a decentralized member-based Blockchain based data warehouse to ensure optimum security, portability and personal benefits. Blockchain is a highly transparent system where customers can use FIT Tokens to pay for membership. FIT will be a decentralized and revolutionary


Gambar Envion bertujuan untuk menciptakan infrastruktur pertambangan kripto global dengan menggunakan kontainer bergerak yang dimodifikasi. Salah satu keuntungan dari mobile adalah bahwa kontainer benar-benar dapat dikirim langsung ke sumber energi. Ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk secara drastis mengurangi biaya. Sebenarnya, wadah CSC modular ini menawarkan desain "plug-and-play", yang memungkinkan penyebaran mudah. Selain mobilitas, Envion menawarkan banyak manfaat lainnya, yang sangat besar memberikan akses ke kekuatan hemat biaya. Popularitas tenaga surya, dan peningkatan instalasi panel surya, telah mengakibatkan penurunan harga sumber energi ini secara dramatis. Tanaman surya ini mengalami situasi kelebihan kapasitas, dan Envion bisa menjadi solusi untuk itu dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya yang sangat terjangkau ini. Menggunakan tenaga surya adalah cara yang bagus karena merupakan sumber energi yang benar-benar terbarukan. Mempertahankan

Forty Seven Bank - Menghubungkan Dunia Finansial

Forty Seven Bank adalah platform baru yang menyediakan layanan perbankan bagi perorangan dan perusahaan. Sistem akan melakukan pekerjaannya pada kerangka peraturan yang diakui secara umum dan mendukung mata uang kripto. Platform ini akan menawarkan layanan keuangan, seperti penjualan dan pembelian, investasi atau peluang pertukaran. Empat puluh tujuh adalah proyek unik yang dibangun untuk menciptakan bank universal modern bagi kedua pengguna kripto dan pengikut sistem moneter tradisional; bank untuk diakui oleh organisasi keuangan internasional; sebuah bank yang akan mematuhi semua persyaratan peraturan. Forty Seven Bank menawarkan kepada pelanggannya sebuah produk inovatif baru bernama Multi-Asset Account yang memungkinkan Anda memiliki akses ke semua rekening bank dan dompet kripto menggunakan satu akun. Misi Forty Seven Bank Misi dan tim manajemen Forty Seven Bank adalah menyediakan layanan dan produk keuangan yang aman, inovatif dan mudah digunakan bagi pelang

Berinvestasi di masa depan Anda

Saat ini, banyak orang berinvestasi di berbagai proyek. Kenapa punya uang di rumah jika Anda bisa berinvestasi dalam proyek yang bagus dan menghasilkan uang darinya. Orang mencari situs yang berhubungan dengan mediasi. Terkadang ini tidak adil dan orang kecewa. Tapi kami ingin menyenangkan. Orang yang ingin menginvestasikan kripto-mereka akan segera dapat menggunakan platform desentralisasi pertama untuk investasi "Investy". Apa itu "Investy"? INVESTY adalah platform investasi terdesentralisasi pertama di mana Anda bisa menang dengan operator terbaik di dunia kriptocurrency. Area ini mencakup keamanan dan keamanan. Semua transaksi melalui sistem Investigasi khusus. Ini akan melindungi semua pengguna platform penipuan. Ini adalah platform yang sangat bagus di blokir untuk perdagangan aman. Platform Investigasi aplikasi Anda akan memecahkan banyak masalah yang ditemukan di pasar investasi. Masalah pertama adalah pilihan. Investor akan dapat memilih l


FASTINVEST is a successful business operating. Since 2015 a dedicated specialist team develops a robust investment platform based on consumer loan investments across Europe and globally. However, they are expanding and building new infrastructure in blockchain to offer new digital banking products. Fastinvest will combine fiat and cryptocurrencies and allow users to use both for their day-to-day banking operations. Loans, loans, investments, payments - our everyday banking habits avoid a tortuous bureaucracy. FASTINVEST will provide investment solutions, unlike traditional investments - real estate, private equity, and other structured financial products. They try to help people generate a safe passive income stream and thus achieve financial freedom. Fast Invest extends the platform to a new infrastructure in blockchain technology to offer a wider set of financial products. They created the digital banking system, prioritizing the investment sector to help people generate a


Hi friends this time I will discuss about COVESTING project. Covesting is a cryptocurrency startup that has created a platform for crypto trading platforms that support blockchain for every investor. By trading traders' trades, investors can grow their assets and generate profits in the network. This is done automatically by using Smart Contracts. Copies of the trade model are brought into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrency by Covesting and this provides a platform where small and new investors can compare their performance with leading cryptocurrency traders and investors can follow up to 20 merchants. Different parts of money can be allocated to this merchant and on behalf of the user, Covesting will automatically copy the trades. Blockchain Technology Covesting is the ERC20 Standard Token on blockchain Etereum, fully compatible with all Ethereal wallets that have ERC20 Token and smart-contract support using ERC20 Standard. Can be used as coins, certifi

Aion Network: A multi-tier blockchain system designed to address scalability, privacy, and interoperability

Day by day the adoption of the blockchain systems in the market by the users enhanced but the problems like the privacy issues, interoperability and scalability are still the main issues that limit its use and growths. For solving these issues, the network named Aion was launched. Aion software was developed and designed in a way that it solves the problems of blockchain and support the traditional blockchain architectures to help the users of the blockchain in order to save their money and enhance their profits. What is Aion? Aion is a multi-tier 3rd generation blockchain system that is designed to overcome the challenges of the tradition blockchain network that reduce the capacity of the users to generate profits like the privacy issue, scalability, and the interoperability problems. Aion solves all these problems with its advanced features. As the blockchain network was built to support businesses and solve the unique financial problems of the users Aion is designed in a
GAME MACHINE Game Machine is the global open ecosystem for a game industry constructed on the basis of the blockchain technology. Game Machine will unite all participants of this market: gamers, developers, advertisers for the sake of development of the industry and improvement of game products quality. Game Machine creates loyal gaming audience which generates cryptocurrency Gamefuel by means of the principle of limited Proof-of-Work (Limited-Proof-of-Work). Use of such an approach allows to limit access to infrastructure to not participants of the market. The game and advertising platforms are releasing on the basis of Game Machine which allows to to communicate directly with audience of gamers, developers and advertisers are implemented. Due to a combination of the principles of Limited-Proof-of-Work, Proof-of-Authority, Proof-of-Stake the ecosystem of Game Machine allows to exclude unfair participants, removes a fraud-traffic and gives the chance to gamers to choose onl
Perusahaan yang baru berdiri biasanya memiliki masalah dalam hal mengumpulkan uang. Sebagai hasil dari kesulitan mengumpulkan dana, banyak ide bisnis yang brilian tidak terpelajar. ICO, yang merupakan perpanjangan dari Initial Cryptocurrency Offer, baru-baru ini menjadi solusi untuk membiayai proyek terkait kriptokokus. Secara harfiah, cara yang dilakukan adalah bisnis yang membutuhkan dana akan menjual kripto gampang mereka untuk mendapatkan dana segar. Investor yang tertarik dengan ide bisnis akan memberikan dana mereka kepada perusahaan untuk dipertukarkan dengan kriptocurrency. Biasanya, penjualan kriptocurrency dilakukan sebelum produk dilempar ke pasaran. Dana yang diperoleh digunakan untuk menutupi biaya pengembangan dan operasional selama perusahaan belum memiliki pendapatan. Orang yang berinvestasi memiliki potensi untuk mendapatkan keuntungan jangka panjang, yang berarti mereka akan mendapatkan uang jika bisnis sudah berjalan dan menghasilkan keuntungan. Sudah banyak