
Menampilkan postingan dari November, 2017
GMT Token is a Cryptocurrency Mining Mining Capability based on Ethereal, or Processing Power ("Hash Rate") at a discounted price on the Global Mining Platform site provided by OR Realbit. GMT will provide cumulative discounts and increments to buy different Hash Rates option (ie BTC / BCH / LTC / etc.). How Cumulative Daily Discount Works GMT Tokens provide a discount in the purchase of Hash Rate Tokens Upon the purchase of a Hash Rate Token, you start mining to the wallet of your choice Your GMT tokens will be frozen until you sell the Hash Rate Tokens You may use your GMTs and discounts as many times as you want! DEFINITIONS NATURE AVAILABLE DATE Discount Discount Tokens BTCgh Bitcoin Hash Hate Token 1Gh / s Feb 1 2018 BCHGH Bitcoin Cash Hash Hate Token 1Gh / s Feb 1 2018 LTCmh Lite Hash Hate Token 1Gh / s May 1, 2018 Ethmh Ethereum Hash Hate Token 1Gh / s Jun 1 2018 DASHmh Dash Hash Hate Token 1Gh / s Jun 1 2018 Real Life Real Life E


INVESTY is a social crypto investment platform. We offer safe and easy investment opportunities. WHY INVEST? This is a decentralized investment platform that enables investments in cryptocurrencies, funds, portfolios and private traders in an accessible, transparent and secure manner. REMAKE ABLE INTEREST - Make sure nobody puts a hand on the customer's money. - Ensure that there is a provision for the investor with a marketplace on which the data is authentic. - Not only are we sure to keep your money safe, but also in the absence of fraud by traders. - We do not make money from our customers' losses, but work according to the plan, which corresponds to the win-win system, where a trader, the investors and the platform make a profit. INVESTY is the maximum security for the chosen ones. SENSATIONAL The block chain is reliable and can not be corrupted. The principle of this platform is the decentralization of the INVESTY platform as opp


Hai kawanku, saya ingin memperkenalkan Jincor kepada anda, silahkan lihat artikel saya di bawah ini. Apa itu jincor Jincor adalah platform yang memungkinkan bisnis bekerja dengan cepat dan dengan biaya yang efisien. Sementara solusi yang ada menawarkan hanya satu masalah pada satu waktu, tim kami membangun produk yang berguna, aman dan mudah digunakan, yang mencakup kontrak konstruktor, pembayaran kripto, dan bahkan sistem arbitrase digital untuk mengetahui hak penilaian atas hal-hal yang tidak jelas terkait dengan kinerja. Pada akhirnya, Jincor wajib untuk mengintegrasikan semua perusahaan, karyawan dan aset bisnis ke dalam ekosistem blockchain terpadu, yang akan membuat hubungan bisnis benar-benar transparan, efektif dan dapat diandalkan. Ekosistem Ekosistem Jincor adalah kombinasi aplikasi web terdesentralisasi (dApp) dan klasik yang memungkinkan satu organisasi dan mengelolanya pada blockchain pribadi berdasarkan teknologi Hyperledger tanpa. Jincor menyed
How Crypto Miners Convert Bitcoin and Ethereal to Fiat Without Selling? An interesting discussion occurred when I spoke with a group of crypto miners who focused primarily on Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereal (ETH). Initially, the meeting was to discuss their potential investment into Trade.OK's TradeTokens. They are concerned with diversification, the ability to get out of positions quickly, and the fact that effectively there is no "income generation" so they can keep the coins to generate income while holding Collectively we find solutions to enable miners to generate passive income with their crypto coins, without selling them directly. The idea is that they participate in a pool of peer-to-peer liquidity along with contributing BTC and their ET. Their coins can then generate a daily income from that participation, and they can still sell the coins efficiently through liquidity pools, if they decide to do so. Effectively, the crypto they get now c


Hi all. Meet again with my blog this simple, not separated from the information that gives you the opportunity to increase the benefits of your investment .. Invest with altcoin MOYA TOKEN. WHAT IS MOYA TOKEN ? The issuance of Moya Token (MTK) will fund the purchase of ACE submarine cable capacity, terrestrial fiber capacity and Moya operating fund. MoyaToken will give the holder the right to receive 20% of Moya's profit on an annual basis. A number of tokens (100%) sold at the end of ICO are entitled to receive 20% of the company's profits annually. WHO MOYA ? Moya has a proven track record of developing new partnership opportunities and also adds value to its partner business. Founder Moya is an experienced Pan-Africa ICT professional, experienced in developing and managing ICT companies that deliver enhanced results while supporting Continental development. Providing services for more than nine years, serving the data communications needs of operators, mo

METTA A Mobile Solution Based on Geolocation and the Block Chain.

ABOUT METTA It is a platform for ordering offline services, which brings together multiple service providers in a single application. It is a mobile solution based on geolocation and block chains. These include the internal currency, the correct comment system and the messenge. Metta will be a kind of assistant on mobile devices. We all know that they exist, but this is different because it is based on blockchain technology. With the help of GPS location you have the possibility to ask everything from the nearest specialized store, car service or anything else. Each action will have a rating, so those with poorer service will be filtered. ITS OBJECTIVE Bring the seller-buyer relationship to a new level with the same conditions for both parties. The quality of the service, but not the advertising budget, is a key factor in reaching an agreement. A clear payment system, based on intelligent contracts and automated responsibility, guarantees the reliability of the ser


What is MAVIN? MAVIN is actually a currency based on two words, namely: maven and influencer. Maven here - someone with good knowledge or understanding of the subject. while Influencer is the person who influences or changes the behavior of people. Therefore, Mavin's goal is to create a global marketplace in which brands and companies (gatherers) come together, as well as nano and micro activists (influential people). For this purpose, marketers benefit by attracting a wider audience with a higher level of participation. And influencers will be paid by marketers to name a few on social networks, giving them the opportunity to participate directly in marketing budgets. Because we know that marketing applies not only to well-known influential people, but also to every layman, because everyone is also important. From the above, we found that Mavin is based on revenue-based remuneration, a decentralized marketing ecosystem based on a network of blocks that connect digital mark


Hello friends back again with me citacititut, I would like to introduce Investy to you please see my article below. Minimizing the risk of fund investment is the main idea of developing the Investy platform. Modern blockchain technology enables solving this problem. Not enough trust to attract more investors to the crypto currency market. People from Investy create not only a platform, they create a community of people who believe in what they do and do it well. How does it work ? You see platforms with markets, where you can trade or give your money to a trusted management. The following question arises: what's new here? The problem is that the platform is not a central investor's fund holder. And even traders do not have access to your account. When opening a trust account, he only accepts the transaction key. But even here is an anti-fraud barrier - Expert Investigation expert, which will not allow traders to make suspicious transactions.

FINTRUX: where borrowers get funded within hours

The process of borrowing money through the conventional approach is more than a rigid process that needs change. Thus, the change is here and now through the Fintrux platform for which the decentralized process enables users to create their smart contracts in order to access loans from all users with no limits to barriers. The process is unique and profoundly projects the definite paradigm of changing customer and borrowers perspective. The Fintrux structure is defined on the structure for which the investor can finance the borrower beyond the imagination of no limits and no boundaries for accessing funds in a real time approach. The user is credited from the Fintrux platform with enormous provisions of loan credits, mortgages involving transparency in the banking trend for which all transactions are done and carried out. The Fintrux structure also provides leases through the ethereum blockchain stance in all transaction dealings. The Fintrux is decentralized and creates an immuta


在上一篇博客中,简单介绍了CyberMiles的相关技术及应用之处,CyberMiles相信区块链技术可以为c2c电子商务网络中的常见问题提供自然的解决方案。但区块链这个技术也是近几年的新生物,对于不了解此技术的人们,很难理解这个区块链到底是什么东西,一不小心,还会以为是“取快递”呢。。。在这里,我就结合个人近来所学,先简单介绍下区块链技术。 区块链(Blockchain)是指通过去中心化和去信任的方式集体维护一个可靠数据库的技术方案。通俗一点说,区块链技术就指一种全民参与记账的方式。所有的系统背后都有一个数据库,你可以把数据库看成是就是一个大账本。那么谁来记这个账本就变得很重要。目前就是谁的系统谁来记账,微信的账本就是腾讯在记,淘宝的账本就是阿里在记。但现在区块链系统中,系统中的每个人都可以有机会参与记账。在一定时间段内如果有任何数据变化,系统中每个人都可以来进行记账,系统会评判这段时间内记账最快最好的人,把他记录的内容写到账本,并将这段时间内账本内容发给系统内所有的其他人进行备份。这样系统中的每个人都了一本完整的账本。这种方式,我们就称它为区块链技术。 可以发现,这是在牺牲一点效率的情况下,获得了极大的安全性。首先没有一本中央大账本了,所以无法摧毁。每个节点都仅仅是系统的一部分,每个节点权利相等,都有着一模一样的账本。摧毁部分节点对系统一点都没有影响。其次,无法作弊,因为除非你能控制系统内大多数人的电脑都进行修改,否则系统会参照多数人的意见来决定什么才是真实结果,结果会发现修改自己的账本完全没有意义(因为别人不承认)。由于没有中心化的中介机构存在,让所有的东西都通过预先设定的程序自动运行,不仅能够大大降低成本,也能提高效率。而由于每个人都有相同的账本,能确保账本记录过程是公开透明的。 区块链最重要的是解决了中介信用问题。在过去,两个互不认识和信任的人要达成协作是难的,必须要依靠第三方。比如支付行为,在过去任何一种转账,必须要有银行或者支付宝这样的机构存在。但是通过区块链技术,比特币是人类第一次实现在没有任何中介机构参与的情况下,完成双方可以互信的转账行为。这是区块链的重大突破。 区块链主要有以下核心内容: 1、去中心化 所谓的信任的力量。你不信任一个没有足够信用度的单独个体,但你会信任一堆个体或者有足够信用

LaLa World — Ecosystem for Immigrant Families

A few days ago I found a good project, The project raised the issue of immigrant families. Of course a project that focuses on immigrants is a good thing. Given an immigrant is not the same as a native of a country. They come to a country to seek asylum, seeking prosperity that they may not feel in their home country. Instead of too long openingnya, let’s lagnsung to the topic. You can see one of our videos here. What is LaLa World ? LaLa World is an ecosystem made possible by Wallet / Wallet LaLa as a platform. Platforms that help around immigrant issues and issues such as employment, identity, community building, NGO and government partnerships, health issues and financial problems for a large population. This platform connects assets and businesses with blockchains to the real world in a decentralized way. Developers can develop intelligent security contract modules, businesses can connect users and their computers to real-world payments. LaLa World Products

ZEUS - the power supply voltage from recycling

Currently to mine Bitcoin and Altcoin need to spend a lot of money, this is usually caused by the use of electricity is high enough and do not stop every day. To deal with this Zeus Project provides a solution for this, zeus project has the purpose to use waste or waste to be recycled and then make it generate electrical voltage which can then be used to mine Bitcoin and Altcoins. For Zeus Token holders, the profit will be the higher the coin price when the project is up and the buyback or buy back at higher prices every month from the Zeus company based on the profit earned from the mining. Not only that, but the benefits of heat, fertilizer and other materials from the extracts of waste treatment can be sold to increase the company's revenue. If you want to participate in token zeus project one way is by buying zeus coin can by using: 1. Bitcoin 2. Ethereum 3. The euro currency Zeus Token is a proof of membership in the Zeus project and zoes will issue 58,000,000 to